An EYP Session
This is done at the EYP sessions, which consist of Teambuilding, Committee Work and General Assembly. Debating European issues is an important part of the sessions. Unlike most debating competitions though, the aim of the European Youth Parliament is not to find the best public speaker. EYP looks for constructive debating, to find out what the actual opinion is of young people on European issues, and how they think the problem is best solved. Also, EYP is more than debating. Meeting new cultures from all over Europe is a social experience that often has a lifechanging impact on the participants of our sessions.


Committee Work

General Assembly
This will be the first part of the programme for the NSC. It is by some considered one of the most enjoyable parts of the event. Those people are right. As you will find out it is the part where you really get to learn to know the other people on your committee, in the form of games and other fun team activities. It will help loosen the atmosphere in your team and should create bonds between you and the other committee members.
After Teambuilding you will finally get to work on your designated topic. Usually this work will be subdivided into several sections, first identifying the problems , sorting them discussing them and finding and writing the resolution. Do not worry about this being too hard, you will have a Chair (not referring to furniture) to guide you!
Commonly abbreviated as ‘the GA’, it is the part where you will get to present and defend your resolution! The night before you should be provided with the resolutions of the other committees, which will enable you to prepare for the debates and write attack speeches. As a whole, it is the sum-up of all the teams’ efforts – a big discussion where you will get to express your views and opinions on the topics and the other teams’ resolutions.
Other EYP Activities